The Acting Chairman of the Amherst Republican Committee is Jason Hennessey.

Greetings and Welcome to the Amherst Republican Committee:

Since its inception in 1854, the Republican Party has fought for civil liberties for all Americans. Whether fighting to end slavery, promoting womens voting rights, or passing civil rights legislation, Republicans have consistently and firmly stood on the side of the American citizen. We have strongly held onto our beliefs of preserving freedom for all Americans, in limited government and lower taxes, a strong national defense, and most importantly, we believe in the United States Constitution as our governing document.

The objective of the Amherst Republican Committee is to promote these conservative values and TO HELP GET REPUBLICANS ELECTED! If you are a conservative-minded individual, who opposes big government and over-regulation; someone who believes that a person should be able to keep their hard-earned pay, that our country is great because of our military power, and that it is a citizens right to protect his or her family and property; if you believe that every American should be awarded the opportunity to directly improve upon his or her own life, then I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and invite you to attend our next meeting.

Our Committee meets on the first Saturday of each month, with the location noted in our mailing list message and on our EVENTS page. New friendly faces are always welcome to the conversation. Whether you are looking to become more involved personally in local town and state politics, wanting to get first-hand political updates from any one of our many Amherst and New Hampshire elected officials, or interested in hearing our guest speakers from various local and national conservative social and political groups, there will be a seat for you. Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions you may have, and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting of the Amherst Republicans Committee.


Jason Hennessey
Acting Chairman, Amherst Republican Committee


The Amherst Republican Committee invites you to become an active participant with us in helping to elect Republicans in Amherst and statewide. Please consider joining and become a voting member by printing out and sending this Membership Form to:

Membership – Amherst Republican Committee
P.O. Box 6125
Amherst, NH 03031-6125

If you can’t join now, please sign up for our email list to get important information about what is happening in the great state of New Hampshire. These are important issues that affect all of us. To sign up send an email to info (at) amherstrepublicans.org with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

The Amherst Republican Committee will promote both the NH GOP and the National GOP party platforms and help elect Republicans to local, state, and national offices. The Committee will keep its membership informed of the issues facing NH, and promote conservatism and Republican values in general.


  • Chairman, Jason Hennessey
  • Vice Chairman, Diane Layton
  • Interim Secretary, Brenda Alexander
  • Treasurer, Russ Hodgkins

Website by WebGurl Design and re-arranged by an ARC Committee.